Feed materials and bedding

Fouragehandel Verhoeven has its own production department, consisting of three lines with the best machines. There, we process various types of straw into five different products, exactly as desired and according to the highest standards.

Chopped wheat straw

Chopped wheat straw is cleaned and processed to a length of 1 to 6 centimeters. It is mainly used as structural feed for calves and bedding for horses.

Ground wheat straw

Ground wheat straw is cleaned and processed to a length of 3 to 5 millimeters. Ground wheat straw is only used as bedding, mainly in cow cubicles. It can be treated with lime to prevent udder infections.

Chopped rapeseed straw

Chopped rapeseed straw is cleaned and processed to a length of 1 to 6 centimeters. It is primarily used as feed for cattle and bedding for chickens and horses.

Ground rapeseed straw

Ground rapeseed straw is cleaned and processed to a length of 3 to 5 millimeters. It is well-suited as bedding in cubicles.

Chopped barley straw

Chopped barley straw is cleaned and processed to a length of 1 to 6 centimeters. It is primarily used in calf farming.

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Grinding and chopping

Feed Materials and Bedding from Our Own Production

In production, we primarily chop and grind wheat and rapeseed straw, as these products are excellently suited for straw processing. We also chop barley straw, mainly due to demand from the calf farming sector. Ground straw has a length of 3 to 5 millimeters, while chopped straw has a length of 1 to 6 centimeters. Ground products are generally used as bedding, and chopped straw types are also used as feed materials.


Special type of lime as an additive

Power-Cal for Optimal Barn Hygiene

Power-Cal is a specially ground and dried type of lime with an increased pH value, designed to optimize hygiene in the bedding of dairy cattle, pigs, and goats. Its unique porous structure absorbs and releases moisture, acting like a sponge. We can add Power-Cal to ground straw, which increases the moisture absorption of the bedding. This results in a drier lying area, less contamination, and cleaner air in the barn.

Power-Cal increases the pH, thereby reducing bacterial pressure. This leads to fewer issues with udder health and hooves. Power-Cal is not harsh on the skin and teats and does not cause nitrogen losses in the manure. The combination of ground straw with Power-Cal saves a work step and combines drying the bedding with improving hygiene.

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